edited by Kate Siklosi and Dani Spinosa
see here for Kate and Dani’s introduction
the eighth issue features new work by:
Clara Daneri
Dessa Bayrock
Brian Dedora
Marilyn R. Rosenberg
Hart Broudy
Amanda Earl
Logan K. Young
Genevieve Kaplan
K.S. Ernst
Sacha Archer
M. NourbeSe Philip
Katherine Heigh
Catherine Bennett
Angela Caporaso
$5 + postage / + $1 for Canadian orders; + $2 for US; + $6 outside of North America
kate & dani, in all their gap-toothed, riotous ferocity, have been making things and situations weird since, like, forever.
Brian Dedora, a grown man playing with pen&ink, bits of paper, photos and the odd word in the playground that is Toronto… Oh no, not that...
As usual, Marilyn R. Rosenberg works are actual and virtual images made with pens, inks and gouache scanned into the computer to change and merge to become visual and asemic poems. MRR's works are on/in 2018-19 exhibitions, blogs and web publications and print edition pages. Her two latest individual artists' books are FADE TO BLACK, Part three of Otoliths issue forty-eight, published by Otoliths, Australia, March 2018 and FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED, Post-Asemic Press #008, USA, 2019.
Hart Broudy is a writer & graphic designer/visual poet living in Toronto. His visual poetry has been exhibited nationally and internationally in the US, UK and EU. His first novella was published in 1976 and his latest in 2016. His work is concerned primarily with uncertainty and the ephemeral nature of meanings and language forms in space.
Amanda Earl is an Ottawa writer, visual poet, editor and publisher. She's the managing editor of and the fallen angel of AngelHousePress. Her goals are whimsy, connection, and exploration. She came late to feminism in her fifties, which is a regret, but she will no longer let herself be prevented from expressing her full on roar, and showing solidarity and support to women and gender nonconforming kindreds. Amanda loves vispo and vizpo. For more information, please visit or connect with her on Twitter @KikiFolle.
Dessa Bayrock lives in Ottawa with two cats and a variety of succulents, one of which occasionally blooms. She used to unfold paper for a living at Library and Archives Canada, and is currently a PhD student in English, where she continues to fold and unfold paper. Her work has appeared in Funicular, PRISM, and Poetry Is Dead, among others, and her work was recently shortlisted for the Metatron Prize for Rising Authors. She is the editor of post ghost press. You can find her, or at least more about her, at, or on Twitter at @yodessa.
Logan K. Young’s factorial chapbook, I(<3)U!, is out now. A summer student of Thurston Moore at Naropa’s Kerouac School, he's since been published everywhere from UPenn's Jacket2 to Taper 3 at MIT and anthologized as far flung as ToCall (PSW Gallery) and the forthcoming collection, Erase the Patriarchy (University of Hell Press). Recent exhibitions include Day de Dada Art Nurses in Boston and at WFMU's Monty Hall.
Genevieve Kaplan is the author of (aviary) (Veliz Books, forthcoming 2020); In the ice house (Red Hen Press), winner of the A Room of Her Own Foundation‘s poetry publication prize; and three chapbooks. Her poems have recently appeared in South Dakota Review, Poetry Northwest, and Thrush. She edits the Toad Press International chapbook series, publishing contemporary translations of poetry and prose.
Much of K.S. (Kathy) Ernst’s work is painted, collaged, or digital, and she uses three-dimensional letters to create freestanding sculptures. In addition to literary magazines her pieces are often exhibited in galleries and museums. Recent books include Drop Caps and Sequencing: (both from Xexoxial Editions) and The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics). Books with Sheila E. Murphy are Permutoria (Luna Bisonte Prods) and 2 Juries + 2 Storeys = 4 Stories Toujours (Xexoxial Editions). Sites housing substantial collections of Ernst’s work are Ohio State University Avant Garde and Experimental Writing Collection; The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo; and Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Sacha Archer is a writer who works in numerous mediums as well as being the editor of Simulacrum Press. Archer’s most recent publications include An Event Poem (Noir:Z, 2019), TSK oomph (Inspiritus Press, 2018), Contemporary Meat (The Blasted Tree, 2018) and Autopsy Report (above/ground press, 2018). His chapbooks Houses (No Press) and Framing Poems (Timglaset) are forthcoming. Archer lives in Burlington, Ontario with his wife and two daughters. His website is
M. NourbeSe Philip is an unembedded poet, essayist, novelist, playwright, and former lawyer who lives in the space-time of the city of Toronto. She is a Guggenheim Fellow (USA) and the recipient of many awards including the Casa de las Americas prize (Cuba). Among her best-known published works are She Tries Her Tongue; Her Silence Softly Breaks, Looking for Livingstone: An Odyssey of Silence, and Harriet’s Daughter, a young adult novel. Philip’s last work of poetry, Zong!, is a genre-breaking poem, which engages with the law, history, and memory as they relate to the transatlantic slave trade. Bla_K, a collection of essays, is her most recent work.
Clara Daneri is an artist and illustrator, exploring the relationship between digital and analogue media. In 2016, she cofounded Penteract Press, as a venue for international structure-based experimental poetry. She tweets @claradaneri.
Katherine Heigh has written two chapbooks, PTBO NSA (bird buried press) and To The People Who Used to Live Here (Gap Riot Press). She was the 2015 recipient of the P.K. Page Poetry Prize. Appearing in various print and online publications, her work is inspired by the mystical in the mundane, the corporeality of consciousness, and a lot of nostalgic nonsense.
C. Mehrl Bennett is an artist living in Columbus OH with poet spouse, John M. Bennett, whom she met via the mailart network. Her media includes junk assemblings, digital art, collage/drawing/painting, poetry, visual poetry, short songs, performance event scores, mailart (handmade books, artistamp sheets, rubberstamp carving, flux related ephemera, archiving, network activities), video and audio recordings. She is book designer/ associate editor (with JMB) of publishing imprint Luna Bisonte Prods.
Her blog is at:
psw is a Germany-based discoverer in outdated printmaking techniques. She creates abstract typographics on typewriters and with dry transfer letters, prints metal type graphics on the proofing press, and duplicates her work with mimeographs - making books from her work. She is also creator of the ongoing mimeo printed magazine ToCall.
Angela Caporaso is an Italian artist and women book artist. Angela Caporaso's art has always been characterized by a constant research and experimentation. Since her first exhibitions, which date back to the eighties, she has revealed a constant strain towards new expressive languages. This constant research led Angela to contaminate sign with colour, font with image, literature with painting, as though one single medium was not sufficient to express her complex imaginative world.
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issue twenty-six : guest-edited by Adam Katz
NOW AVAILABLE: G U E S T #26 edited by Adam Katz published as part of above/ground press’ thirtieth anniversary see here for Adam Katz’ intr...

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NOW AVAILABLE: G U E S T #26 edited by Adam Katz published as part of above/ground press’ thirtieth anniversary see here for Adam Katz’ intr...
NOW AVAILABLE: G U E S T #5 edited by D.W. Adams see here for D.W. Adam’s introduction and biography the fifth issue features new work by:...
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